Course NameDate
You haven't enrolled onto any courses


Key Symbols Co-production

We believe in bringing together people with varying experience, including lived, life and training experience to create and deliver our workshops and courses.  This is called co-production.

We believe bringing these areas of expertise together creates the best learning experience.  You will find some of these symbols next to the courses and workshops in this prospectus


 Co-created - Courses are created by people with educational and lived and life experience.


   Co-delivered - Courses are delivered by people with educational and lived and life experience.


  Quality approved - Courses are quality approved following positive feedback and evaluation from people who have attended the courses.  All new courses will be in the process of gaining the Quality approved mark.

Course Delivery

The Recovery and wellbeing Academy are now delivering face to face and online group sessions via Zoom.  To find out how workshops are delivered please look out for these symbols next to the course information.


Face to face delivery in a classroom or outdoors. 

There are many venues across Coventry & Warwickshire.  To find all our up to date venues, please visit the `Venues’ section of our website.


 Courses delivered via online group sessions, via Zoom. 

We prefer that all students have their camera on and interact throughout the session. This way you and all other attendees can get the best out of the session. However, we appreciate some people may find this difficult and so it is not compulsory but is encouraged.



We welcome students who may require additional learning support for a range of reasons. Examples of this might include:

  • Literacy problems.
  • Reduced concentration.
  • A learning difficulty or disability.
  • Difficulty affecting participation in groups.
  • A hearing or sight problem.

Please tell us about any difficulty, disability or access need you may have on enrolment if you require additional support or adjustment. Please note: we do not offer any one to one personal support.

Online Courses

For online online courses you will need an internet connection and one of the following devices:

•   Computer or laptop with camera, microphone and speaker(s); or
•   Web enabled smart phone - either iPhone or Android phone is fine.
If your phone is not connected to Wi-Fi and you use 3G/4G/5G to connect, this will come out of your data allowance. We recommend that Wi-Fi is used but if this isn’t feasible and you don’t have the required data allowance on your phone, this will cost you in accordance with your mobile service provider’s terms and conditions.
Privacy and confidentiality are paramount to us all and we ask all students to not take pictures or record the group session.  We also ask students to be mindful of the need to keep yourself safe and only share what you are comfortable with.  Comments within the group remain confidential and are not to be shared with others outside the group – but remember we cannot enforce this, therefore you are responsible for what is shared.

The link must not be shared and if you haven't enrolled and your name isn't on the register then you will be removed from the session.

And lastly, please ensure that the space you use for the online group is private.    Everybody contributing to the group should be in full view (i.e. nobody listening in on the side! ).    This way we all feel safe and comfortable when we are in the session together.
Please note: we will send the  online Zoom meeting link to you in the early morning on the day of the course session starting.

Frequently asked Questions

What is Recovery?

"Recovery is a personal journey of discovery. It involves making sense of, and finding meaning in, what has happened; becoming an expert in your own self-care; building a new sense of self and purpose in life; discovering your own resourcefulness and possibilities and using these, and the resources available to you, to pursue your aspirations and goals" - by Rachel Perkins and Julie Repper


How much do courses cost?
All courses at the Recovery and Wellbeing Academy are currently FREE to attend for all our students.


 How long are the courses and when are they?

Courses vary in length.  For example, some may be a single day or half day session, while others may be weekly for two hours per session.  The courses would not usually be more than once or twice a week.  Courses are usually run in a morning, afternoon or evening.

How many courses can I apply for at once?

You can book up to three courses at one time.  Once you have completed these, you can book on to another three.  All courses will be subject to availability.


What do I do if I want further information about a course?
Please feel free to contact us on 0300 303 2626 or email us at:  recovery.academy@covwarkpt.nhs.uk.  We are always happy to talk to you regarding any information you may need.


How is the content of the course designed?
Most of our courses are co-designed and co-delivered by both an expert by education and an expert by experience or someone with caring experience, relevant to the subject matter.  For example, the “understanding bipolar” workshop was created by an Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, a carer of someone with bipolar and two people living with Bipolar.  This blend of people, we feel, gives the best-rounded course.

What if I need support with my mental wellbeing whilst attending the Recovery & Wellbeing Academy?
The Recovery and Wellbeing Academy is set up as a provider of psycho-educational courses.  We do not provide clinical interventions or therapy, as we expect you to be able to access support outside of the Academy.  If you are feeling unwell or distressed while attending a course, it is important to speak with the tutor, who will ensure you have the right contact details of relevant support services.

I have specific requirements such as large print, or an interpreter, is this possible?
We endeavour to do everything we can to meet your needs.  If you let us know in advance of attending your course, we will do all we reasonably can to support your requirements.

I work for an Academy partner organisation (e.g CWPT, CW Mind, Artyfolks, DWP) but live outside of Coventry and Warwickshire and am interested in some of the courses - can I enrol?
Yes!  One of the things that make our Recovery & Wellbeing Academy so unique is that it is truly collaborative.  When you enrol into the Academy you will not be labelled as a ‘Service User’, ‘Carer or ’Professional’ - you will simply be considered a student.  You may wish to learn more to help your practice and/or to gain knowledge to help you to manage your own health and wellbeing.  Everyone learns together and from each other.


I care for someone who is unwell, can I enrol?

Of course! Our courses are designed for anyone who cares for someone, for people who require support from health services, people who work in them, and those who are simply interested in recovery-based learning.


For the online courses, do I need to put my camera on?

All courses are better when people have their camera on and interact with the session.  However, we know how uncomfortable this can be for some people.  So, while we encourage you to get involved, we do not enforce it.


How do I pass on a compliment or make a complaint?

We welcome all feedback, and you will have the opportunity to provide this at the end of each course via our satisfaction surveys.  You can also email us directly at recovery.academy@covwarkpt.nhs.uk or via the `Contact Us’ function on the website.  Alternatively, if you prefer to speak to someone you can call us on 0300 303 2626 and ask to speak to our Academy Lead